Monday, May 16, 2011


By FNF Staff

Dr David Lorani
Brilliant researcher believed lost.
Wife continues to search.

Myrena Lorani wondered where her husband was.

David’s research was ever important to him, and not just because of his almost dogged loyalty to FallTech; the science of nature intrigued him. Talking about it genuinely made him happy. She remembered a time before he was hired by FallTech, though – a time when Dr. David Lorani was a poor graduate and struggling to get his foot in the door. None of the major corporations wanted a zoologist; Myrena knew this and David knew this, and yet he chose his path anyway. She supported him because he was always loyal – to her, to any cause he decided to take up, to his friends and family. Loyalty defined who he was.

Myrena remembered the stories David told her of his childhood, how he always preferred to be outside, under the night sky; how his father had the hardest time keeping him inside during the rare rainstorms. David Lorani grew up loving the wild, loving nature, and loving Myrena, for she was one of the few people in his life to embrace David for what he was, rather than abuse his kindness and loyalty. “Animals are honest, at least,” David would often say, “even if you have to learn how to read them. People will just lie to you.”

Of course, that time had come to an end, and once more, his loyalty – and his dreams – were being used against him once more. David had always wanted to grow closer to the beasts he loved – “What if you could grow gills like a fish, and swim in the ocean? Or wings, like a bird, and fly? What would stop you from exploring your world?” – and FallTech gave him his chance to realize that dream. They hired David to assist, and eventually head, research into a drug capable of imbuing the imbiber with bestial qualities and features. They underpaid him and overworked him, but he didn’t care; he was so focused on his research that he often forgot to eat or sleep. Myrena had the cot removed that David had brought into the lab. Myrena was happy for her husband, that he was so close to realizing his dream, but really…

…where was he? The cot stood empty next to her; he hadn’t taken it back to the lab (again). She tried his comm, got nothing. Myrena had just gotten up to go to the lab and drag her husband home when it rang.

“Mrs. Lorani?”

The voice was somewhat familiar – it was Dr. Jonathan Greitz, who was in charge of the FallTech satellite office on Tyranis. It was not a happy-sounding voice.

“I don’t think Dr. Lorani will be coming home tonight.”

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