By TalkLoud, FNF staff gossip columnist

Rumble in the Jungle. The Free-For-All Fracas in Station City. The Taranis Showdown in the Streets. Naraka’s Tunnels of Terror. Most of us have either attended a Butch Thompson S.T.R.I.F.E. event, or seen vids of the bloody good aftermath. Still, who is this man, this master of masters of ceremony, this tour de force? What is the story behind the man who plays a trumpet to announce his own arrival, jump-kicks for violence, and attempts to trademark the words “Oh Yeah!”? Little is known about Butch Thompson before his rise to fame, but we here at the Fringe News Feed have managed to uncover the past of this man of mystery.
The story of Butch Thompson begins in the mean streets of Akeir. Butch Thompson, was born to Solis Saltare, one of the premiere modern dance instructors of Akeir at the time and the owner of Astral Phenomena Studios, and Cassidy Cormac under the name Isiah Cormac. Butch’s life began much as he lives it now, loud, abrupt and the focus of much attention.

Cassidy was an up and comer in House Cormac, devoted to the church and the glory of the Empire. Described as a classic black-haired beauty, Cassidy was engaged to be married to Damien Charles Alexander Juntach, a brilliant duelist and heir-apparent to the CFO of Juntachi Steel. Their wedding day gala was to be the event of the season in Akeir, and Cassidy, a studious scholar, had been sent to the legendary Solis to prepare for the dances she would be expected to know for her reception. For almost a year, Cassidy trained with Solis, knowing she would be required to be the most skilled dancer at her reception in order to keep the reputation of House Cormac in high standing with the nobility of Akeir. After nine months of sweat and tears, the big day arrived...and so did little Butch. In the middle of her wedding ceremony, Cassidy began to go into labor. Not knowing she was pregnant, the invited physicians of House Eioph rushed to her side. Soon enough, her condition became apparent. Damien was enraged, knowing he was not the father, and grabbed his blade to duel Solis, whom he had long suspected of having relations with Cassidy. Solis, ready for an attack, was said to jump, pirouette, and kick Damien right in his face. In the resulting confusion, Solis fled.
Cassidy was kept under close guard by her House, who were rumored to be looking for Solis in order to have him executed. Solis was said to use his prowess as a dancer to stealthily infilitrate the location in which Cassidy was held, and abscond with her and their son. They fled to the Fringe world of Taranis, where the story of Butch Thompson truly begins. The family adopted the name Thompson, and opened the legendary “Mass Dive” club on High King Avenue. Solis and Cassidy, now going by the names Jazz and Bangles, ran the club for many years, and it was known as a place of dance, sport, and gambling. Butch had begun running sound and production for the family at the age of 13, and he had begun to develop a reputation as one of the most sought after DJs or MCs in Taranis. When he was 15, Butch was attacked by a local gang. using the skills he had picked up on the streets, and the moves taught to him by his father, Butch managed to hold off six of the thugs, unknown that he was being recorded by one of the onlookers. Within a month, the vid of Butch defeating his attackers, one quite brutally with a kick that lodged the attackers nose in his brain cavity, circulated Taranis. Butch found himself in more and more fights, each one more vicious and brutal than the last. Each time, a vid of the encounter found its way into circulation. The attention this received helped to keep the attendance at the club at all-time highs, everyone hoping to witness one of the Butch fights.
The Thompson family was growing prosperous, with his parents talking about retiring and leaving the club to Butch. Then, late one night, a group of local toughs struck the club and set fire to it, with his parents still inside. When Butch caught one of the thugs escaping, he managed to learn that Damien Charles Alexander Juntach was behind the attack. For years after that, Butch seemed to disappear.

There were rumors than a young man had sought out the Aeshma Matara Master Tugev, and that this same young man had defeated the dreaded Rumal Narr, a beast with two heads standing fifteen feet tall that could level a building with its shrieks. Using the spine of the Rumal Narr as his cestii, he defeated 99 Aeshma challengers in a row without rest in order to win the approval of Master Tugev and prove his worth. All it took was a single jump kick from Butch Thompson to lay the great Matara master low. It is said that the Aeshma recognize Butch as the only organism worthy of individual praise.

The stories after this time are even more fragmented. The name Butch Thompson briefly surfaced on the planet of Lethe when he became known as the greatest lover the weapon researcher Star Thistle had ever known. It was said that the inspiration Star Thistle received from the loins of Butch advanced the field of weapon technology five years in a single afternoon. The knowledge she received from his loving in the evening changed the field so much that current practitioners could only break down, cry, and curse the name of Butch Thompson for crushing their life’s work with a simple display of his intimate prowess. After laying the ladies of Lethe low, Butch was next spotted on the planet of Vairya.
Butch hearing of the vaunted skills of the Atar strove to test his mettle against those fierce silicate soldiers. If the stories can be believed, a jump kick to the face of one Kshathran that had turned into a statue not only moved her, but launched her into the other two Kshathrans that Butch was brawling, knocking them down as well. The impression Butch made on these warriors was such that Kshathrans are said to refer to a particularly well made suit of armor as “Thompson Proof”. Butch received the honorary Fists of Keresaspa during his time on Vairya, and was said to defeat the Dahhak Web Way Pirates known as the Ephemral Fleet during a casual stroll one evening.
Though no one admits to being part of the destructive encounter, it is said that Butch pretended to be influenced by the powers of the Dahhak, and then grabbed his guard by his feet and wielded him as a giant club to defeat the rest of his captures. The Dahhak now refer to captives that pretend to be under their influence to be “pulling a Butch”. In fact, Dahhak can often be overheard to say “Make sure that one isn’t pulling a Butch”, when making business deals, referring to someone pretending to be less savvy than they actually are.
It was in the streets of Akeir that Butch Thompson went to meet his destiny. At a gala one evening, he had snuck into the event and challenged Damien Charles Alexander Juntach to a duel. Though he was now getting on in years, Damien accepted, still confident in his formidable skills. Butch, opting for his Fists of Keresaspa as his weapons, fought a long and protracted duel with the Junatchi swordsman. It is said that the onlookers could do naught but weep at the martial prowess on display. One woman was said to go into labor at the sight of Butch’s fighting skills, despite the fact she was not due for almost another month. If rumors can be believed, an elderly member of House Cormac suffered a heart attack during the duel, and Butch administered medicinal drugs to the man, all while continuing to do battle with Damien. It is said that both Damien and Butch were grievously wounded during the course of the battle, Damien made the mistake of disparaging the Butch’s parents, gloating about their deaths and his hand in it. It is said that Butch then shed his first and only tear since the deaths of his parents and said, “This is for Cassidy and Solis”, before kicking Damien in the head so hard that is simply exploded from the shoulders. Letting forth a shout that would become his signature, Butch shouted “OH YEAH!”
House Cormac was said to offer Butch membership within the House and Imperial Citizenship, due to their shock and horror over Damien’s actions. It was said that Butch simply gave a victory kick, stole a horn from one of the musicians at the gala, the same one he has now, supposedly, and blew it once. He left the hall then, never giving the House an answer, with his fists held high in defiance.
From here, everyone knows the story. Butch won the rights to the S.T.R.I.F.E. league in a game of strip poker against the Gymir Ski Bikini Team, received sponsorship from Nog’s Grog after an arm-wrestling contest and began his course to becoming a galaxy wide phenomenon. It is said that he still keeps a picture of his parents in his pocket at all times, and that a portion of all his proceeds go to help the orphans on the various planets he visits. Though he doesn’t fight any more, it is said that Butch is looking for an heir to take the Fists of Keresaspa from him, and gain the true Galaxy Champion of S.T.R.I.F.E. title, one that has never been claimed.
Butch Thompson is believed to be the fourth cousin thrice-removed from the Empress Gheverie. There are those who speak of Butch’s signature shout of “Oh Yeah!” being likened to the clap of thunder, and his horn emitting the fury of the storm. Is this a sign that perhaps Butch Thompson is the heir to the Imperial throne? Only time will tell. Until such time as the fate of Man rests on his shoulders, he will be there, bringing you the best in pitfighting entertainment. Of course, if asked about any of his past, he is sure to deny it, as the FNF had to do some deep digging in order to get the scant information we found. Humble as always, Butch is sure to downplay his past greatness, and focus on his current endeavors. Still, as long as he keeps bringing us quality entertainment, who are we to deny the great Butch Thompson? See you in the vids, Butch!
Butch Thompson's tears can cure Cadix. Too bad he never cries.
ReplyDeleteI heard he once saved two elderly grandmas from Marauders, and then convinced them to give up their religion and work for Nog's Grog.
ReplyDeleteOne time I saw Butch Thompson jump kick a transport shuttle out of the atmosphere.
ReplyDeleteButch and I have been friends for about 16 years and I can say with a bit of authority that everything in this article is true. Of course living a life like he has has made him some enemies, primarily in the dancing world. Sven Svarog will probably never forgive him for that dance off they had on Culvig 9. Oh, those were the days...
ReplyDeleteButch 1time fot 3 zigani w/just his awsum hat. I got him 2 sine my shirt
ReplyDeleteI sold it 4 2k cred lol
I heard that Butch is what makes yetis migrate.
ReplyDeleteButch Thompson doesn't get mutations, but mutations wish they got Butch Thompson.
ReplyDeleteButch is the father of my babies-- nine months after our single night of love; I gave birth to twin kataya-masters wielding power daggers. Please, please, I am desperate to contact him, so we can talk about their future. Also, they keep blindsiding their babysitters.
ReplyDelete-Butch's secret babymama.