Friday, April 15, 2011


By Tom Topptin - FNF Staff

We all know Web Travel is the safest method of speedy interplanatary travel (heck, it's the ONLY way!), and we at the Fringe News Feed want to make sure our readers are safe and healthy as they walk the Fringe. With the recent issues plaguing web travel (that have thankfully died down), we at the Fringe News Feed are here to provide our top ten Web Travel tips, as compiled by our edititorial staff and readers such as yourselves.

1. Plan Ahead - Unless you are a licensed Web Guide (and even for them, it's a hassle), it is VERY difficult to just walk up to a Gate and hitch a ride. Make sure to arrive at the Web Station at least one hour before traveling so you can deal with customs and security. If possible, try to greet your Web Guide beforehand and learn his or her name. It is polite, and in the event of running for your life from a Shiver, you'll know who you need to protect!

2. Pack Light - Travel in the Web Ways isn't like travel on a transport or a shuttle. YOU provide most of the power with your own two legs (or a motorchair for the handicapable traveler). You WILL be walking at least an hour or so, usually longer, but there may be "rest stops" along the way on Nodes. So all that luggage you are thinking about carrying? Remember that YOU will be the one carrying it.

3. Fashion Sense - The Ways are chilly for the most part, so make sure to dress in layers. If you are traveling to a warmer destination, you can easily unlayer to acclimatize yourself. If you are traveling to a colder destination, you can throw on some more clothes. Do try to look your best, though. No one wants to be caught in last year's cargo pants if they have to run screaming out of a gate while being pursued by Chills.

4. Stay on the Path - The Ways are very interesting to look at, with lots of swirls, colors, flashes of light, and so forth, but remember this rule: Do Not Stray From The Path. Stick with your Web Guide (or Guides), and do not leave the path. Sure, you might be tempted by the sight of something just outside your periphrial vision that is just aching to be chased, but resist your curiousity and stay with the group. You know what we call people who stray from the Path who aren't found? Chills.

5. Know Your Nodes - For longer trips, you may have a slight layover on a Node as your change web paths or wait for another to come into alignment. Nodes are generally stable sections of the Ways that paths connect to and from. While you wait for your next Path to open, you can sit and relax, perhaps have a bite to eat, and chit chat with your fellow passengers. Making friends will be handy in case you need to fend off a Chill or Marauder attack.

6. Guide Safety - Your Web Guide (or Guides) is probably the most important person in your travel group, because he or she is the ONLY thing that can keep you going in the right direction AND get you out of the web ways safely. Even if you are right at the end of a Way, if you have no Guide to open it, you are stuck. Keep your Web Guides safe!

7. Always Be Prepared - As safe as the Ways can be, sometimes something goes wrong. Someone gets a cramp, someone forgets to pack water, Shivers descend to suck your very lifeforce from your fleshy body. You know, things happen. With that in mind, it is a good idea to bring along a little food and water, as well as some weapons in your travel kit. Extra ammunition is also not a bad idea for those of you who carry firearms. You never know when you'll be diverted to Erlik due to a random Marauder raid on a Node.

8. Cardio - In many emergency situations, the best Defense is a good "running away"-ense. You may need to flee from the aforementioned Marauders or Chills, so wear a good comfortable pair of shoes and be ready for running. Screaming is, of course, optional.

9. Know your Foe - The Ways are full of Chills and their bigger siblings, so here is how to recognize them, listed in ascending order of Lethality:
- Chills - Shadow-like humanoid forms with Grey faces. Their touch causes bone-chilling cold and will act like a stun stick. Known to drain heat and vitality from downed victims. A good Force Screen should keep them off you, or heavy armor. Normal weapons will work against these.
- Shivers (blue) - These look like blue-faced Chills that glow eerily in the dark. They actually manifest shadowy claws, and are tougher than Chills. Can blow a Force Screen or put a dent in heavy armor.
- Shivers (green) - These look like green-faced Chills that glow eerily in the dark. These can also manifest shadowy claws, can rend armor in just a few swings, and are generally immune to bullets. Nasty and tough, unless you are well armed this is when you run. Rare.
- Wraiths - These are monstrous shadowy creatures with glowing red eyes. RUN! Do not engage, do not attempt conversation even if they speak, just run as fast as you can. Capable of feats beyond anything Shivers and Chills can manifest. EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. Very Rare.

10. News You Can Use - Always check to see if there are any problems with Web Travel before stepping through a Gate. Stay tuned to the Fringe News Feed and your local feeds for the latest information on Web Travel! Forewarned is Forearmed!

1 comment:

  1. "In a previous article (Ten Ways to Protect Yourself From Marauders), the FNF mistakenly attributed it to FNF Staff, rather than Mr. Topttin. We apologize for the mistake."
