Friday, February 4, 2011


By TalkFast

In a past issue of the Fringe Newsfeed, it was predicted that Empress Gheverie of the Imperium of Man was so heartsick from the troubled life of a leader, that she would fake her own death.

"The Empress is sick and tired of being larger than life, and wants to live like a regular person," said renowned Taranis psychic and metaphysician Dr. Aaron Preston at the time. "The Empire has trapped her in an unnatural world of intrigues and power, and there is a good chance that an intelligent and sensitive person like Gheveir might rebel against the hypocracy and corruption of that environment."

*** Dr Aaron Preston
"The only way out would be to fake her own death, and to go underground to try become a normal person," Said Preston, who specializes in celebrity predictions. Preston added that the masked one would most likely try to escape her hellish existence by "dying" and using a look-alike corpse to convince the empire that she was gone.

Another theory is that the Empress is indeed still alive, but only to escape an complex assasination plot, and that she even now walks among the people in disguise, trying to find a way to save the empire and her people from the top-heavy decadent corruption that will otherwise destroy them.

Did the Empress have a plan all along? Is she still alive somewhere?
We want to hear from our readers - Give your opinion in our poll, or post in the comments if you think you may have seen the Empress!


  1. This is some stupid ****. You fringers don't know anything about the Empress!

  2. Come to the Holy Light of Ehieh and see the TRUTH! You who involve yourselves with this kind of blasphemy will pay the price. An eternity of of pain and agony awaits you as your soul will wander the Ehperium forever.
