by Tom Topptin - FNF Staff
It's that time of year again, when we can combine the anxiety of gift giving with the excitement of gift receiving, all wrapped in a veneer of sincerity and humilty. That's right, it's Holiday Season! We here at the Fringe News Feed have compiled our Top Ten Tips for making your holidays a little brighter. Without further ado...
1. The Early Bird Catches the Bargain - Rather than wait until the day before Tane's Day to rush out and get gifts for your family, why not plan to acquire them in stages over the next few weeks? Even if you are making the gifts themselves, starting earlier than you think you need to will ensure a much less stressful holiday, and you might even save a few credits in the process! You'll be the envy of all your neighbors as you sip tea on the porch on Tane's Day, while they are still frantically wrapping and setting up the traditonal holiday keg stand.
2. It's the Thought That Counts - Having trouble coming up with the perfect gift? It's time to think outside the box and give something clever. Make a donation to a local charity in their name, or write a poem and dedicate it to them. Perhaps you could volunteer to fix up something around their dwelling. The possibilities are endless if you don't confine yourself to physical gifts (and it's often easier on the pocketbook). Some may see this as weaseling out of obligations, we at the Fringe News Feed prefer to think of it as "expanding your horizons".
3. Fashion Fabulous - The holiday parties should start up fast and furious, and you don't want to be caught in last year's rags! Luckily, the "hodge-podge" look is in style right now, especially after the recent vids of Butch Thompson's latest Fracas hit the feeds. A trip through your closet (or your neighbor's closet if you're into that sort of thing) should help you throw together an outfit that's sure to shine! For those with a more upscale bent, spider themes are tre chic!
4. Travel In Style - With all the recent upheavals, many of our readers are staying closer to home. That means great deals on travel for those brave souls who won't let a little thing like Marauder attacks spoil their fun! Many freelance Web Guides are slashing prices and offering group bulk rates in these tumultuous times, so be sure to shop around. Sure, you might get devoured by an unspeakable horror, but when has that threat ever stopped anyone from seeing relatives?
5. Party Hearty - It is the holidays, so try to work in at least ONE party where you are not the person in charge. It is often a sad thing to see the budding socialite burn out by not making time to relax on their own terms, so let your hair down, pull your dancing shoes on, and take some time to blow off some someone else's shindig.
6. Make Charity Not a Rarity - In these somewhat turbulent times, your friends and neighbors may have fallen on harder times than you, be it a bad harvest, hours cut back, or family member kidnapped or pressed into service. Be sure to save a spot or two 'round your porch to invite them over for a pint or 5 and some vittles. We're all in this together (most of the time).
7. Dance with Romance - The holidays are a great time to finally make a move and try to talk to that certain special someone you've been stalking (w/o actually stalking of course, as that would be creepy). Take a shot of liquid courage and ask them to a dance or other social event. The worst they can say is no, and then the sweet, comforting arms of alcohol will be there to see you done right. So hop to it!
8. Cardio - It's binge season, and our regular readers know that you want to keep these to no more than two per week, however you'll want to make the most of your binge time, so be sure to get in some nice long workouts. Not only will this release tension and help you stay in shape, it will increase your resistance to the more unpleasent side effects of marathon indulgence!
9. Soothe The Soul - While Tane's Day is one hell of a party, it is also a time to reflect on the gods and your place in the universe with them. A period of quiet contemplation at an altar, or a service by your local religious authority might be just the remedy you need to stave off the holiday blues.
10. News You Can Use - Turn to trusted information sources to keep abreast of happenings in YOUR area! Stay tuned to the Fringe News Feed and your local feeds for the latest information on local religious services, public announcements, and celebrations throughout the galaxy!
Cardio. Always handy when Cadux strikes.